60Plus MILF’s porno cherry breaker

Category: Hardcore, Hi Def Porn, iPhone Porn, M.I.L.F./Mature | Date: 27 February 2019

60Plus MILF's porno cherry breaker

60Plus MILF's porno cherry breaker

Caroline Hamsel, who's 62, heard from a friend that the masseuse has some skills, and now she's going to find out for herself. She knows exactly what she's looking for, and he knows exactly what he's going to give her. He pours oil onto her sexy ass and massages it in, and before he knows it, Caroline is massaging his cock. We all know what happens next. The massage ends, and soon, Caroline is sucking his 34-year-old cock. Yeah, the guy is plenty young enough to be her son. And then she's fucking him and eating his cum.

Caroline is a wife, mother and grandmother from the United Kingdom. She told us she has sex "15 or 20 times a week, including with my husband." Including? She means she fucks other men, too. Caroline used to be a dental nurse. Now she nurses cocks.

"I'm becoming more sexually assertive," Caroline said. "I've been with a lot of younger men, some as young as 19. I love their energy and hard cocks."

And they love her mature body and sexual expertise. Caroline knows what she's doing in bed. She's had a lot of practice.

Caroline enjoys romantic meals, going to the movies and dancing. And fucking. That she loves most of all.

See More of Caroline Hamsel at 60PLUSMILFS.COM!

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